Good advice when you don't know your new roommate
Many are moving in together and becoming roommates without knowing each other beforehand. It can be hard and intimidating living together but not knowing each other as you don't know the other person's habits and rutines. Here are 5 pieces of advice you can use to quickly get a good roommate-life running. Match expectations It is important that, as soon as you have moved inFew readersHow to become the best roommate
It is so satisfying coming home to a clean kitchen without dirty dishes. If your roommate is having a busy morning and you don't have many plans in store, take his/hers dishes to help. Your roommate will definitely appreciate this and thank you! Clean your roommate's room If you anyways are cleaning your own room, you might as well also just go for a quick round with theFew readers10 ways to get to know your roommate
When you have found a roommate, you have to get to know each other. Here are 10 ideas for what you can do together as roommates and how you can get to know each other. 1. Watch a tv show together It is always fun to see a new tv show, and by now there are so many to choose from, that I'm sure you can find one you both want to see. When a new episode is on, you have an hour iFew readersHow to make a flatshare work
As a new flatshare it can be difficult getting the every day running smoothly without conflicts, if you have not made any arrangements and agreements about how life and the every day in the flatshare should be. Get the 3 best advice on how to get a flatshare working Communication No matter if you already know the people you are about to move in with or if you are strangersFew readersSolutions to typical conflicts between roommates
It is completely normal that you as roommates have conflicts from time to time. You can disagree about many different things, but often people disagree about more or less the same things. I will try to help you avoid these conflicts by giving you some tools for solving the most typical conflicts between roommates. Conflict: “We are not doing it the same way” Often conflicts can encounter if one get irritated by something the other person keeps doing. Maybe it is because he/she is doingFew readers